
From: Justin Marks, Head of Campus Communications 
Subject: Weekly Newsletter 
We’ve got a bumper issue for you this week! New term message from the Vice Chancellor, an exciting addition to the Employee Benefits programme, research seminar round-up AND a special seminar from the Well-Being team.

Vice Chancellor’s message

Welcome back, everyone! Spring hasn’t quite burst on Burston, but I have a spring in my step as we move towards our new future. This term will see the announcement of some very, very exciting plans which will secure our situation going forward. Drilling down into the detail, I am sure that all of my colleagues will be delighted with the way we’re actioning new delivery methods which will leverage our relationships with stakeholders and partners across the world. Burston Central is going places! Unfortunately we may have to sunset some of our traditional approaches and disciplines as we move to line up our ducks in a row across the piece. More news soon! *

You will have seen the exciting news in yesterday’s Times Higher Education Supplement that we have an upwards trajectory in the Student Experience Survey 2013. We’ve gone up three places. Great news, but there is more to do. Looking forward to 2014!

Message from the Efficiencies Team

In the last staff survey, many people commented unfavourably on the length and frequency of meetings. As part of our response, we’re beginning a rolling programme to remove chairs from meeting rooms. Research shows that this will help to keep meetings shorter (Madeitup & Fads, 1984). In the longer term, seating will also be removed from lecture theatres to improve the focus and pace of lectures – something which our students who complain about ‘boring lecturers reading off the Powerpoint’ will appreciate. Watch this space.

Announcement from the Well-being team

Taking a leaf from our colleagues ‘across the pond’, we’re introducing a series of ‘Brown Bag Lunches’. Every Thursday in May, you can enjoy a useful presentation on a topic important to your well-being. The first session, on 2 May, is ‘Walking and Safety’. Main building, 1-2, room 11-3. Bring your lunch and learn how to stay safe wherever you walk with our Emergency Management Coordinator!**

Employee Benefits Programme

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve just signed up another retailer to our fantastic discount scheme: Primark will now be offering 10% off all purchases; show your staff card at the checkout.

Research seminar programme

Ethical Sourcing in the Fashion Industry’. Wednesday, 1 May, 4pm, New Lecture Theatre. All welcome.

*See The Guardian, 25/04/13

**I didn’t make this up. This is a real seminar being held at a US University next week. Thank you to my source…you know who you are!

Wading Through Treacle fictionalises the stuff in HE which you couldn’t make up. You can follow @wadingtreacle on Twitter, or like the Wading Through Treacle page on Facebook to be informed of updates, or click on ‘follow’ at the bottom of this screen to register for updates from Wading Through Treacle. Feel free to send me accounts of daft things which could be fictionalised by email, too:

If you want to read the Advent Calendar 2012, which has a bit more of a narrative, see the‘About’ page.